Welcome to Meade County Fair and Achievement Days registration. We are excited to see all the animals and displays. Call or email the office with any questions. 605-347-2436 or jennifer.voigt@sdstate.edu.

Cloverbuds should register their exhibits as well. All entry cards will be picked up at check-in.

Please be sure to enter animals in correct categories and also enter 4-Hers in all showmanship classes. Information gathered off of fair Entry will be used for the livestock premium sale. For more information be sure to visit the Meade County Achievement Days Help Sheet.

Please read carefully the following information:


Please check the SD State Fair book for requirements for each static exhibit. Many require additional information. For example, a recipe is required with Foods & Nutrition and Breads projects and a summary report is required with Hobbies & Collections exhibits. Other forms that are required are listed below:


  • Display Exhibits Entry Form please have completed for each exhibit if you are unable to attend interview judging. These are also required if taking your project to the State Fair.


Computers and Technology

Food Preservation

Foods & Nutrition

Home Environment

See you at the Fair:)

4-H Exhibitor and 4-H Staff Sign-In

4-H Logo