
2024 Clark County Fair

Registration Period Details

Unless otherwise noted, all Departments, Divisions, and Classes have the same registration period as the Fair.

  • 2024 Clark County Fair 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 001 Open Dairy Cattle (Department) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
      • Jersey (Division)
        • Spring Heifer Calf born after Mar 1, 2024 (Class)
        • Winter Heifer Calf born on or after Dec 1, 2023 and before March 1, 2024 (Class)
        • Fall Heifer Calf born on or after Sept 1 thru Nov 30, 2023 (Class)
        • Summer Jr Yearling Heifer born on or after June 1 thru Aug 31, 2023 (Class)
        • Spring Yearling Heifer born on or after March 1 thru May 31, 2023 (Class)
        • Winter Yearling Heifer born on or after Dec 1, 2022 and before Feb 28, 2023 (Class)
        • Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk) born on or after Sept 1 thru Nov 30, 2022, Senior Yearling Heifers that have freshened show in Junior Two-Year Old Class (Class)
        • Breeders Young Herd 3 heifers at any age (Class)
        • Junior Two Year Old Cow born on or after Mar 1 thru Aug 31, 2022 (Class)
        • Senior Two Year Old Cow born on or after Sept 1, 2020 thru Feb 28, 2022 (Class)
        • Cow (Three Years) born on or after Sept 1, 2019 thru Aug 31, 2021 (Class)
        • Cow (Four Years) born on or after Sept 1, 2018 thru Aug 31, 2020 (Class)
        • Cow (Five Years or over) born on or after Sept 1, 2019 (Class)
        • Exhibitors Herd - 4 females consisting of at least one heifer, one cow, and two of your choice, owned by exhibitor (Class)
        • Produce of Dam Group to consist of 2 animals, any age, either sex, the produces of one cow. Animals need not be owned by exhibitor. (Class)
        • Parent and Offspring any combination. One to be sire or dam of the other (Class)
        • Best Female Bred and owned by exhibitor (Class)
        • Senior Champion Female (Class)
        • Junior Champion Female - Banner and Rosette by Foster Equipment (Class)
        • Reserve Grand Champion (Class)
        • Grand Champion Female (Class)
      • Holstein (Division) 4/1/2024 - 7/19/2024
        • Spring Heifer Calf born after Mar 1, 2024 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Winter Heifer Calf born after Dec 1, 2023 and before March 1, 2024 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Fall Heifer Calf born after Sept 1 and before Nov 30, 2023 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • 04 Summer Junior Yearling Heifer born June 1 to Aug 31, 2023 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Spring Yearling Heifer born between Mar 1 and May 31, 2023 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Winter Yearling Heifer born Dec 1, 2022 to Feb 28, 2023 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Fall Yearling Heifer born between Sept 1 to Nov 2022 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Junior 2 Yr old born between Mar 1 and Aug 31, 2022 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Senior 2 Yr Old Cow born between Sept 1, 20201and Feb 28, 2022 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Cow ( Three Years) born between Sept 1, 2020 and Aug 31, 2021 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Cow ( Four Years) born on or after Sept 1, 20219 and Aug 31, 2020 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Cow ( Five Years or over) born before Sept 1, 2017 to Aug 31, 2019 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Dry Cow 4 years old and over- cannot show in milking classes (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Produce of Dam to consist of 2 animals by same cow, either sex. Need not be owned by exhibitor (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Dam and Offspring (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Best 3 Females bred by exhibitor (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Best Udder Cow (any age) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Reserve Junior Champion Female - Rosette (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Senior Champion Female- Rosette (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Reserve Senior Champion Female-Rosette (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Grand Champion Female - Rosette & Trophy (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Reserve Grand Champion Female - Trophy (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
        • Junior Champion Female - Banner and Rosette By Foster Equipment (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/20/2024
    • 005 Open Beef (Department) 4/1/2024 - 7/21/2024
      • Feeder Calf (Division)
        • Feeder Calf Steers, calves must be born after Jan. 1, 2024 All bull calves must be castrated before show. (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Feeder Calf Heifers, calves must be born after Jan.1, 2024 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Kiddie Feeder Calf Showmanship (Division) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Kiddie Showmanship (open to all exhibitors under 4 H age) ( Awards to be announced during the show) (Class)
    • 010 Open Swine (Department) 4/1/2024 - 7/24/2024
      • Open Class Swine (Division)
        • Open Class Swine (Class)
      • Pee Wee Showmanship (Division) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Five years Old and Younger as of Jan 1, 2024 (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/24/2024
        • Six thru Eight Year Old as of Jan 1, 2024 (Class)
    • 020 Open Lamb (Department) 4/1/2024 - 7/12/2024
      • Market Lambs (Division)
        • Single Market Lamb (Class)
      • Lamb Cook-Off (Division) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Lamb Cook-Off (Class)
      • Commercial Ewe Lambs (Division)
        • Single Commercial Ewe Lambs (Class)
    • 030 Open Class Produce Show-Grains, Vegetables, Fruit (Department)
      • Grains & Seeds any variety. Exhibitors furnish 2020 grain in Quart glass jars with lids. (Division)
        • One Quart Wheat (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • One Quart Oats (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • One Quart Soy Beans (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Corn Grain (Division)
        • Two ears 2024 Yellow Popcorn with husks & silks (Class)
        • Two ears 2024 any other variety Popcorn with husks and silks (Class)
        • Two ears 2024 Indian Corn without husks or silks (Class)
        • 20234Yellow shelled field corn in glass quart jar with lid (Class)
        • Three ears 2024 Yellow field corn without corn husks or silks (Class)
        • Best 3 Ears 2024 Any Other Popcorn no husks or silk (Class)
      • Beans - in pod, 20-30 count per plate (Division)
        • Green Pod (Class)
        • Purple Pod (Class)
        • Yellow Pod (Class)
        • Horticulture (Class)
      • Beets - 3 Specimens, Properly trimmed for market (Division)
        • Red (Class)
      • Cabbage - 1 Head, properly trimmed for market (Division)
        • Flat (Class)
        • Pointed (Class)
        • Red (Class)
        • Round (Class)
        • Largest by weight (Class)
      • Carrots- 3 Specimens, Tops on (Division)
        • Under Six Inches (Class)
        • Over Six Inches (Class)
      • Cauliflower - 1 Head, properly trimmed for market (Division)
        • Best Marketable Head (Class)
      • Corn - Sweet, with Husks & Silks (Division)
        • 3 ears Yellow (Class)
        • 3 ears White (Class)
        • 3 ears Bicolor (Class)
      • Cucumber, 3 specimens Properly trimmed for Market (Division)
        • Pickling (under 6 inches) (Class)
        • Slicing (over 6 inches) (Class)
      • Melons - 1 specimen (Division)
        • Muskmelon (Orange Flesh) (Class)
        • Watermelon (Oblong) (Class)
        • Watermelon (Round) (Class)
        • Watermelon - Largest by weight (Class)
      • Onions - 3 Specimens (Division)
        • Red, tops trimmed for market (Class)
        • White, tops trimmed for market (Class)
        • Yellow,tops trimmed for market (Class)
        • Green, tops intact (Class)
        • Largest onion by Weight (Class)
      • Peppers - 3 Specimens (Division)
        • Green Bell (Class)
        • Red Bell (must show some red color) (Class)
        • Yellow Bell, any variety not hot properly labeled (Class)
        • Hot, green, red, OR yellow, properly labeled (Class)
      • Potatoes - 3 specimens (Division)
        • Red (Class)
        • White (Class)
        • Yukon Gold (Class)
        • Any Variety Not Listed, 3 properly labled (Class)
      • Pumpkins - 1 specimen with hard stem (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Oblong (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Round (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Miniature ( 3 specimens) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Largest By weight- not Miniature (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Squash - 2 Specimens (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Summer, properly labeled (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Winter, properly labeled (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Zucchini Green (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Zucchini Yellow (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Crook Neck (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Zucchini - largest by weight (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Other Squash - Largest by weight (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Tomatoes - 3 Specimens (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Beefsteak Varieties (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Red (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Yellow (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Cherry (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Small Yellow (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Small Red, NOT cherry (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Herbs in Water - 3-5 Specimens in a Clean Pint Glass Jar (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Basil (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Chives (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Dill (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Lavender (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Mint (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Oregano (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Rosemary (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Sage (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Thyme (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Miscellaneous (properly labeled) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Herbs In Soil - 1 Specimen Grown in Soil, in a Clean 6" opt, Plant must be 3-6 months old (Division)
        • Basil (Class)
        • Chives (Class)
        • Dill (Class)
        • Lavender (Class)
        • Mint (Class)
        • Oregano (Class)
        • Rosemary (Class)
        • Sage (Class)
        • Thyme (Class)
        • Miscellaneous (properly labeled) (Class)
      • Rhubarb (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Three Stalks Trimmed for Market (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Horseradish Root (Division)
        • One Marketable Root, without leaves (Class)
      • Turnips (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • 3 Turnips, tops trimmed (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Garlic - Properly trimmed for market (Division)
        • Three Bulbs (Class)
      • Eggplant (Division)
        • One Marketable Eggplant (Class)
      • Fruit (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Apples, 3 any one variety with stems (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Grapes, 1 cluster any variety (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Any Fruit Not Listed, 3 fruit, properly labeled (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Special Fruit Display (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Best Display of Home Grown Fruit, 4-6 varieties, 2 specimens each properly labeled. Diplay limited to 1.5 ft. x 1.5 ft. (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Special Vegetable Display (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Best Display of Garden Vegetable, 5 to 10 varieties, space limited to 2' x 2', properly labeled (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Kid's Corner - Best Decorated Potato ( Using any variety of potato) Youth Only (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Juvenile ( ages 5 - 10 ) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Junior ( ages 11 - 15 ) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Best Decorated Garden Tool (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Decorated Garden Tool Must be suitable for hanging. Overall not to exceed 24 inches (See Rule #2 for entry instructions.) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Best Painted Gourd (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Painted Gourd Adult Division may be made with artificial or real gourds. (See rule #2 for entry instruction) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Painted Gourd Juvenile Division (Ages 5-10) may be made with artificial or real gourds. No entry fee is required for this class (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Vegetable Display (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Vegetable or Fruit Oddity, 1 specimen (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Sunflower (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Sunflower with Largest Seed Head measured with a tape measure (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 040 Open Hay (Department)
      • Hay (Division)
        • Alfalfa (at least 90% alfalfa) (Class)
        • Alfalfa Grass (at least 65-90% alfalfa) (Class)
        • Mixed Legumes (at least 90% of two or more legumes) (Class)
        • Grass Legumes (at least 65-90% grass) (Class)
        • Grass (at Least 90% grasses) (Class)
    • 045 Open Fancy Work & Sewing Show (Department)
      • Embroidery (Division)
        • Doilies over 12 inches (Class)
        • Punch Embroidery (Class)
        • Two Guest or Tea Towels Hand Embroidery (Class)
        • Specimen of Swedish Embroidery (Class)
        • Specimen of Needle Point (canvas work) (Class)
        • Specimen of Cross Stitch Embroidery- from a chart, not printed, on even weave fabric (Class)
        • Any Embroidery Item Not Mentioned (Class)
        • Any Article Machine Stitched Embroidery (Class)
        • Beginners (Class)
      • Tatting (Division)
        • Specimen of Tatting on Handkerchief (Class)
        • Specimen of Tatting on Pillow Case (Class)
        • Specimen of any Tatted Item not mentioned (Class)
      • Crochet (Division)
        • Lap Throw (45" x 36 ") (Class)
        • Table Hot Pad-backs should be open for judging (Class)
        • Crochet Novelty Item (Class)
        • Doilies (under 12 inches) with crochet thread (Class)
        • Doilies (over 12inches) with crochet thread (Class)
        • Dressed Doll (Class)
        • Christmas Ornament (Class)
        • Any Crochet item Not mentioned (with thread) (Class)
        • Any Crochet Item Not mentioned (with yarn) (Class)
        • Pot Holders (2), backs should be open for judging (Class)
        • Beginners (Class)
      • Hand Knitted (Division)
        • Sweater, Lady's Hand Knitted (Class)
        • Sweater, Man's Hand Knitted (Class)
        • Any hand Knitted item Not Mentioned (Class)
        • Socks, Hand Knitted (Class)
        • Handbag / Purse, Hand Knitted (Class)
        • Shawl, Hand Knitted (Class)
        • Infant Sweater and Hat (Class)
        • Child's Item (1-6 yrs) (Class)
        • Beginners (Class)
      • Afghans (Division)
        • Crochet (Class)
        • Knitted (Class)
        • Baby Afghan - Crochet (Class)
        • Baby Afghan - Knitted (Class)
      • Weaving (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Weaving with Needles (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Weaving on a Loom (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Weaving with Yarn and / or any Other Material (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Weaving Any item (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Sewing (Division)
        • Lady's Daytime Dress (Class)
        • Child's Dress (1 to 6 years) (Class)
        • Apron (Class)
        • Two Pot Holders-backs should be open for judging (Class)
        • Stuffed Toy (backs may remain closed for judging) (Class)
        • Sweat Shirt w/ Applique (Class)
        • Any sewing Item not mentioned (Class)
        • Decorated Garment (any sewing item decorated by machine or hand sewn) (Class)
        • Any sewing Item for child (5-8 years) (Class)
        • Beginners (Class)
      • Rugs and Felting (Division)
        • Hooked (Not Latch Hook) (Class)
        • Crochet (Class)
        • Rag (Class)
        • Knitted (Class)
        • Woven (Class)
        • Any Felt Item (Class)
      • Children's Exhibits Embroidery (Division)
        • Specimen of Cross Stitch Embroidery from a printed chart on even weave fabric (0-12 yrs) (Class)
        • Specimen of Cross Stitch Embroidery from a printed chart on even weave fabric (13-16 yrs) (Class)
      • Children's Exhibit Crochet (Division)
        • Crochet Novelty Item (9-12 yrs) (Class)
        • Crochet Novelty Item (13-16 yrs) (Class)
      • Children's Exhibit Sewing (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Any Sewing Item Not Mentioned (9-12 yrs) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Any Sewing Item Not Mentioned (13-16 yrs) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Decorated Yardstick (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Decorated Yardstick (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Decorated Sewing Basket (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Decorated Sewing Basket (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Decorated Yardstick (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 050 Open Quilt (Department)
      • Hand Pieced and Hand Quilted (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Wall Hanging or Crib Quilt (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Machine Pieced and Hand Quilted (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Wall Hanging or Crib Quilt (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Machine Pieced and Machine Quilted (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Wall Hanging or Crib Quilt (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Hand Pieced and Machine Quilted (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Wall Hanging or Crib Quilt (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Two (2) Party Quilt (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Wall Hanging or Crib Quilt (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Single Pieced Block (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Single Pieced Block - 12.5 inches square ( Before quilted or appliqued, put pattern of block on a card attached to the block) ( No backing and no personal names) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Multiple Techniques ( Cross stitch, Yo-Yo, Cathedral Windows, Pillow, Embroidery-hand or machine, Candle wicking & Paper Foundation, Whole Cloth and Applique) (Division)
        • Bed Quilt (Class)
        • Crib Quilt / Wall Hanging (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned (Class)
      • Other Quilted Items (Division)
        • Table Runner-Includes Holiday and (2) party (Class)
        • Accessories (purse of clothing totes handbags) (Class)
        • Comforter Tied (Hand or Machine Pieced-All Sizes) (Class)
        • Cross Stitched or hand Embroidered Quilt Work (Class)
        • Machine Embroidered Quilt Work (Class)
        • Any Item Not Mentioned / Pillow (Class)
        • Any Holiday Item (Class)
      • Children (See Specific Rules) (Division)
        • Mini Quilt (9 thru 12) (Class)
        • Mini Quilt (13 thru 16) (Class)
        • Wall Hanging (9 thru 12) (Class)
        • Wall Hanging (13 thru 16) (Class)
        • Clothing (9 thru 12) (Class)
        • Clothing (13 thru 16) (Class)
        • Accessories (pillows totes etc) (9-12) (Class)
        • Accessories (pillows totes etc) (13-16) (Class)
    • 055 Open Baked Goods (Department)
      • Homemade Yeast Breads and Rolls (Division)
      • Homemade Quick Breads (Division)
      • Homemade Cakes (Division)
      • Homemade Pies (Division)
      • Homemade Cookies (Division)
      • Homemade Candy (Division)
      • Youth - 13 years and under - Miscellaneoius (Division)
      • Youth - 13 years and under- Cookies (Division)
        • Favorite Cookie Other than No Bake (scratch or box mix) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • No Bake Cookie (follow recipe listed in fairbook) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Dish of the Day (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • (a) Pork Dish (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • (a) Dessert Dish (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • (a) Chocolate Dish (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Best Cookie in the County (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Best Cookie in the County (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Best Decorated Kitchen Towel (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Best Decorated Kitchen Towel (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 060 Open Canned Fruits-Vegetables (Department)
      • Canned Fruit (Division)
      • Canned Vegetables (Division)
      • Canned Juices (to be exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Relish ( jars for each class) (to be exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Sauces (2 jars for each class) (to be exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Pickles (2 jars for each class) (to be exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Preserves (2 jars for each class) (exhibited in 8 oz. jelly jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Jams and Jellies (2 jars for each class) (exhibited in 8 oz. jelly jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Butters (2 jars for each class) (exhibited in 8 oz. jelly jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Canned Syrups (1 jar for each class) (exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Any Kind (properly labeled) (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Canned Soup 9to be exhibited in pint jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Pie Filling (to be exhibited in QUART jars) (no names) (Division)
      • Dehydrated Foods (exhibited in an unsealed 8 oz. jar) (no names) (Division)
      • Vinegars (Division)
      • Honey (exhibitor must enter two (2) jars of honey as described after each class below) (no names on jars) (Division)
      • Special Contest (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Best Decorated Canning Quart Jar (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 070 Open Antique Show (Department)
      • Metals (Division)
      • China (Division)
      • Glass (Division)
        • Specimen Glass Ovenware - Unusual - (Jadite, Fireking, Anchor-Hocking, etc.) (Class)
        • Specimen Glass Canning Jar (Class)
        • Specimen Colorless Glass (Pressed) (Class)
        • Specimen Colored Glass (Pressed) (Class)
        • Specimen Colored Glass (Blown) (Class)
        • Specimen Glass Bottle ( Colorless or Colored) (Class)
        • Specimen Colorless Glass (Free or Mold Blown) (Class)
        • Specimen Glass Pitcher up to 10 inches (Class)
        • Specimen Cut Glass (Class)
        • Specimen Carnival Glass (Unusual) (Class)
        • Specimen Heisey Glass (Class)
        • Depression Glass (Class)
        • Specimen Ohio Glass (Cambridge, Libby, Millersburg, etc) NOT Heisey glass (Class)
        • Specimen Glass Paperweight (Class)
      • Miscellaneous (Division)
    • 075 Open Flower Show (Department)
      • Rose Hybrid Tea (one bloom, disbudded, foliage attached) (Division)
      • Rose Grandflora (one spray not disbudded, foliage attached) (Division)
      • Rose Floribunda (one spraqy, not disbudded, foliage attached) (Division) 5/1/2023 - 7/1/2024
      • Rose Shrub (Includes Knockout Roses) (one spray, not disbudded, foliage attached) (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • One Spray, Any Color (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Rose Miniature (Division)
      • Annuals (Division)
      • Bulbs (Division)
      • Ornamental Grasses (Measure grass stem height from bottom of sheath at soil level (crown) to top of highest point of head. Do not trim grass back to conform to Class Description height requirements) (Division)
      • Other Perennials (Division)
        • Garden Phlox, any color, one stem, spray (Class) 5/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Woody Perennials (Division)
      • Container Plants - Container not to exceed 12 inches in diameter. No hanging baskets. (Division)
      • Senior Miniature Fairy Garden (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • An Arrangement of Your Choosing - Miniature garden plant materials (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Junior Horticulture (Division)
      • Junior Miniature Fairy Garden (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • An arrangement of your choosing, Miniature garden plant materials (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Artistic Design (Division)
    • 080 Open Ceramics (Department)
      • General (Division)
      • Newcomers (First Time Entrants) (Division)
      • Stains (Division)
      • Dry Brushing (Division)
      • Underglaze (Division)
      • Glazes (Division)
      • Senior Citizens (55 and older) (Division)
      • Children - Student Pre-School (Ages 3 - 5) (Division)
      • Children - Student Elementary (Ages 6 - 10) (Division)
      • Children - Student Middle School (Ages 11 - 14) (Division)
      • Children - Student High School (Ages 15 - 18) (Division)
      • Children-Special Needs (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Stain Item (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Glazed Item (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Dry Brushing (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Underglaze (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
        • Miscellaneous Holiday (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Special Needs (Division)
      • Favorite Gnome (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Favorite Gnome (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 085 Open Hobby Show (Department)
      • Pre-School Ages 3 - 5 (Division)
      • Juvenile Ages 6 - 10 (Division)
      • Junior Ages 11 - 17 (Division)
      • Senior Ages 18 and up (Division)
      • Woodworking All Ages (Division)
      • Theme Activities " All American Flair at the Clark County Fair " (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Any Construction of Fair Event (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
    • 090 Open Fine Arts Show (Department)
      • Juvenile Ages 5 - 10 (Division)
      • Junior Ages 11 - 17 (Division)
      • Senior Ages 18 and Up (Division)
    • 095 Open Home Arts and Cratfs (Department)
      • Crafts (Division)
        • Stamped Greeting Cards not 3D - Embelishements optional (3 items) (Class)
        • Stamped Items - Crafter's choice any form of stamping (3 items) (Class)
        • Stamped Items - 3D Crafter's choice Embelishments optional (3 items) (Class)
        • Stamped Gift Tag Any form of stamping (1 item) (Class)
        • Greeting Cards - Not stamped (3 itmes) (Class)
        • Brag Book: Any squash or brag book (Class)
        • Babies or Children Memory Page (1 page) (Class)
        • Special Occasion Memory Page (1 page) (Class)
        • Animals Memory Page (1 page) (Class)
        • Heritage or Geneology Memory Page (1 page) (Class)
        • Fair Event Memory Page (1 page) (Class)
        • Duct Tape Creation - any item created with Duct Tape (Class)
        • Repurposed Treasure: Please include a descriptive index card without your name (Class)
        • Party Decoration (Class)
        • Artificial Floral Arrangements: No living or cut arrangements will be accepted. No taller than 24 inches (Class)
        • Garden Friend - Any creation to be used in the garden (Class)
        • Canning Jar Creation (Anything made from canning jars, no larger than quart size jars please) (Class)
        • Handmade Coasters (one sample of handmade coaster) (Class)
        • Handmade Magnet ( one sample of handmade magnet) (Class)
        • 3-D paper Sculpture - Paper creations such as origami or quilling. No cards or memory pages (Class)
        • Mixed Media Wall Hanging (Class)
        • String Art (Class)
        • Art Journal - Create a visual journal of something that inspires you (Class)
        • General Crafts - Any item not mentioned (Class)
        • Sports Memory Page ( 1 page) (Class)
        • Painting on Any Base: (wood, canvas, slate, etc.) only painting will be judged (Class)
        • Paint by Number (Class)
        • Diamond Painting (Class)
        • Dollar Tree DIY Make something using Dollar Tree objects (Class)
        • Wreath: No larger than 20 inches diameter (Class)
        • Decorative Wine Glass: Decorate a wine glass for your use. Must be able to drink from the glass (Class)
        • Imaginative Wine Glass: Decorate a wine glass for use as something other than drinking. (Class)
      • Holiday Center (Division)
        • General Holiday Decoration (anything not mentioned) (Class)
        • Door Decoration No larger than standard hanging dimensions of 72 inches total (Class)
        • Religious Tree Ornament - One sample of Christmas, Hanukkah, etc Includes cross stitch (Class)
        • Secular Tree Ornament - One sample.Includes cross stitich (Class)
      • Gift Wrapping (Division)
        • Holiday Basket Gift basket for any holiday (Class)
        • Special Event Basket - Gift Basket for baby shower, bridal, etc. (Class)
        • Holiday Gift Wrap - Any holiday (Class)
        • Special Event Gift Wrap - Baby shower, bridal shower, etc (Class)
        • Handcrafted Gift Wrap - Any type of gift wrap created by the crafter (Class)
      • Counted Cross Stitch (Division)
        • Words of Wisdom: Any cross stitch with family appropriate saying (Class)
        • Primmitive - Any cross stitch that incorporates a primitive motif (Class)
        • Novelty Item -- Any item that is not framed, such as afghans, pillows, etc. (Class)
        • Mini Cross Stitch - Toatl size, including frame, of 5 inches by 7 inches or smaller (Class)
        • General - any cross stitch not mentioned (Class)
        • Patriotic: Any item with a patriotic theme (Class)
        • Holiday: Any cross stitch item that represents holidays (Class)
      • Lower Elementary (ages 5, 6, and 7) (Division)
        • Hand Crafted Holiday Ornament (Class)
        • Hand Crafted Magnets (Class)
        • Upcycled Projects - Any item made from items normally discarded. Please include a description card (Class)
        • Design a Wearable Change a pre-purchased item to make something new (Class)
        • Sun Catcher (any type, no larger than 6 inches) (Class)
        • Pasta Creation (any craft made from pasta, noodles, or macaroni) (Class)
        • Decorated Picture Frame (no larger than 5 inches x 7 inches) (Class)
        • Garden Friend (Class)
        • General Craft Item - Any item not mentioned (Class)
        • Bookmark (Class)
        • Cardboard Creation - Create an item using cardboard from shipping boxes (Class)
      • Upper Elementary - Ages 8, 9, 10 (Division)
        • Hand Crafted Holiday Ornament (Class)
        • Hand Crafted Magnet (Class)
        • Upcycled Projects - Any item made from items normally discarded. Please include discription card (Class)
        • Design a Wearable - Change a pre-purchased item to make something new (Class)
        • Sun Catcher (any type, no larger than 6 inches) (Class)
        • Hand Decorated Drinking Glass (no larger than 22 oz glass, decorated) (Class)
        • Decorated Picture Frame (no larger than 5 x 7) (Class)
        • Duct Tape Creation (Class)
        • Garden Friend (Create an item for your garden ) (Class)
        • Memory Page (Create a memory page. One page only, must be in sleeve) (Class)
        • Storage Box - Create or decorate a storage box for your treasures (Class)
        • General Craft Item (any item not listed) (Class)
        • Bookmark (Class)
        • Cardboard Creation - Create something from shipping boxes (Class)
      • Middle School - Ages 11-14 (Division)
        • Hand Crafted Holiday Ornament (Class)
        • Memory Page (Create a memory page. One page only, must be in sleeve) (Class)
        • General Craft Item (any item not listed) (Class)
        • Design a Wearable - change, paint, or modify a pre-purchased item to make new (Class)
        • Brag Book - Create a squash book or brag book (Class)
        • Cardboard Creation - Create an item from shipping boxes (Class)
      • Decorated Door Stop (Division) 5/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
        • Decorated Door Stop (Class) 4/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
      • Adult and Me (ages 4 and under) (Division)
        • Adult and Me Wearable - Change a pre-purchased item to make something new (Class)
        • Adult and Me Christmas Ornament (Class)
        • Adult and Me General - Any item not mentioned (Class)
    • 100 Open Photo Show (Department)
      • Black and White Prints (Division)
        • Animals (All animals including mammals, insects, reptiles, fish, birds) (Class)
        • Humans (people) (Class)
        • Scenery (Class)
        • Other (formerly known as OPEN, including but not limited to: objects, special effects, macro, etc.) (Class)
        • Humor (including but not limited to humans and animals) (Class)
      • Color Prints (Division)
        • Animals (All animals including mammals, insects, reptiles, fish, birds) (Class)
        • Humans (people) (Class)
        • Scenery (Class)
        • Other (formally known as OPEN, including but not limited to: objects, special effects, Macro, etc.) (Class)
        • Humor (including but not limited to humans and animals) (Class)
      • Theme Prints - All American Flair at the Clark County Fair (Division)
        • Any Class (animals, humans, scenery, other, humor) any size between 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" and 11" x 14" color or black and white prints (Class)
    • 115 Creative Achievement Award (Department)
      • Creative Achievement Award (Division)
        • Creative Achievement Award (Class)